Worship Schedule

Sunday Morning Traditional Service: 11am. We offer services in person and online via FaceBook Live.   

Facebook LIVE: Worship with us Sundays at 11am by visiting our Facebook page or click here: https://www.facebook.com/Hiram-First-United-Methodist-Church-393666391402827/?ref=bookmarks

Holy Communion: First Sunday of Each Month


Sunday School: Adults only at this time, meeting at 9:30am in the Sunday School Room. Classes available for Pre-K – 2nd Grade, 3rd – 5th Grade, and Youth (middle and high School) are temporarily paused.

Choir: Music is provided every week by the Hiram First UMC Chancel Choir as well as periodic performances from our hand bell choir. Our Chancel Choir practices on Sunday mornings at 10:30am in the Choir Room and Wednesdays at 7:15pm in the Sanctuary.

Children’s Church:  (temporarily paused) Every Sunday During Worship Service

Nursery Service:  (temporarily paused) Provided Every Sunday during Sunday School and Worship Service, and also during Special Events and Services, for newborns to 2 years old.