Classes/Group Meetings

Facebook – Join us on Facebook for live streaming of all services and to get updates on current events and special services.  Find us at Hiram First United Methodist Church or

Adult Sunday School – Classes are offered at 9:30am on Sunday Mornings.

Choir – Join the Chancel Choir for practices on Sundays at 10:30am and Wednesdays at 7:15pm and for worship each Sunday. The choir also provides special performances at certain times throughout the year.

Sister’s Bible Study Group – Open to all women, meets on Tuesdays at 11am in the Conference Room.

United Methodist Men – Open to all men of the church.  The UMM also participates in a variety of mission events throughout the year.

United Methodist Women- Open to all women of the church. The UMW participates in a variety of mission projects and fundraisers throughout the year.

Children (temporarily paused at this time) – Our Children’s Ministry makes plans for different events during the year, hosting an Annual Easter Egg Hunt, Vacation Bible School and Children’s Church on Sunday mornings during worship.  Plans are underway to offer Nursery for our infants and toddlers during this worship time.

Youth (temporarily paused at this time) – We have monthly activities for Middle School and High School Youth, 6th – 12th Grades. These activities include retreats, participating in the Church Food Pantry, local mission programs, and taking part in Sunday Service.

Community Groups – We also host several community groups: NA meets on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Saturdays at 8pm in the Fellowship Hall; Boy Scouts meet on Thursdays at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. Cub Scouts meet on Mondays at 7pm beginning in the Sanctuary.